Partners & Start-Up

Partners & Start-Up

We believe in collaborations and associations that are based on common values and objectives, so we are proud to collaborate with reference partners at the national and local level.
We also support Startups that aim for progress as an improvement in the quality of life of people and a defense of the earth.
So here are our collaborations!


We are proud to be members of Animaimpresa, engaged at the forefront of the promotion and diffusion of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and sustainable development.


OSA Community is where thousands of Italian entrepreneurs have the opportunity to meet, collaborate and share knowledge. A wide network that concretely supports the business and the personal growth of its members.


Confartigianato Imprese is the largest European network to represent interests and provide services to craftsmanship and SMEs.


Assobenefit is an Italian reference point for Benefit Companies, it cooperates together with its associates to spread the Benefit culture and change the business model in a sustainable way.


Catas carries out chemical analysis, physical and mechanical tests on raw materials, components and finished products of the wood, furniture and building industry. Thanks to its expertise and specialization it is considered the biggest European laboratory for testing and for applied research in the wood and furniture sector.


Friuli Innovazione promotes and develops collaborations between researchers, companies and the industrial use of scientific and technological results produced by research.


Junior Achievement is the largest non-profit worldwide dedicated to preparing young people for employment and entrepreneurship. JA creates pathways for employability, job creation and financial success.

Start-Up that we have supported

LifeGate represents the meeting point between people, businesses, and institutions.
From this privileged position, we can liaise with all entities and involve the right stakeholders in strategic pathways, projects, and actions.
Since 2000 we have worked to be catalysts of social change, awaken and feed a new ecological conscience, and inspire and promote new business models and consumption models for people and companies.

Willeasy is an ecosystem that allows people with specific needs to find the most suitable events and facilities for their needs, such as restaurants, shops, hotels and museums or other points of interest for everyday life.


It’s a project that wants to take startups to a new level. Startupitalia is transforming from a successful media company to a catalyst and launch pad for innovation in Italy.
A model linked to the ecosystem that unites a community to a digital platform to an important physical space in Milan.
Personalized content thanks to data and machine learning, branded content for vertical magazines, native advertising and video. A tech community dedicated to students, developers, freelancers, managers with a membership model that offers services, products and events related to Open Innovation.


Bikee Bike is an ltalian Startup which created a new technology of mid-drive electric motors. The first product designed with this kind of new technology is a conversion kit that transforms normal bikes into powerful
e-bikes, in few minutes.


Cam.TV is the first platform for sharing skills, knowledge and passions, giving you the tools to create and sell valuable content and digital training to build your marketplace.


ZENZONE is the first Made in Italy mindful armchair with embedded crystal therapy. It is a project born from the need to create a space for training our mindset during the everyday moments when practicing meditation and mindfulness. A place for the ritual, the strengthening of our intentions, and the research of ourselves. An area reserved for daily self-improvement and dedicated to the closest relationship, the one with ourselves, to build valuable relationships.

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