Braida among the SILEO 2° Open Call beneficiaries

BRAIDA SRL SB is an SME beneficiary under the SILEO 2° Open Call for Business Digital Transformation Projects and will indirectly receive EUR 5.000 lump sum from the European Union’s Single Market Programme through the SILEO Eurocluster project (GA 101074564).

Through the SILEO business digital project titled “Environmental Impact Key Performance Indicators”, BRAIDA SRL SB aims to develop its own environmental impact indicator for each product, considering factors such as production processes, materials, suppliers, reusability and future disposal.

Leveraging both internal and external databases and harnessing Artificial Intelligence technology in collaboration with the technology provider Giorgio Drasler, the company aims to bolster its commitment to sustainability, enhancing environmental responsibility, customer satisfaction, and overall competitiveness in the short to medium term.

By constructing an EI-KPI grid and integrating it into operations, this project will significantly influence the redesign and production processes, further solidifying the company’s commitment to sustainability.

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