The networking recipe, antithesis of the words “I do”. How many times have you listened to this sentence? How many times have you said it? By habit, to make it fast, for fear… there are a plenty of reasons. Nevertheless, acting on our own is not always the best thing. Sometimes, the best way is to act together with a common and shared goal. Which is the essential ingredient? Let’s find it out together.
Diversity as an added value
First of all, let’s take a step back and focus on the word diversity, frequently used with a negative connotation in order to identify something or someone unequal to another. Often, we don’t consider diversity as an added value. Whereas, it should be so.
Diversity is actually driven by countries, religions, socio-cultural contexts, identities and different life experiences. According to many, it can be a disadvantage. But it is not. Because diversity is an asset and it represents the authentic treasure each of us can attain to.
Diversity means knowing, interacting, sharing, discovering, learning, evolving, growing. History, art, music and craftsmanship teach us this, for instance. Just think about how many artists, architects and designers got inspired by diversity their works and combined styles and knowledge from different cultures and traditions.
What does all this have to do with us and the world of seating? Let’s do an experiment and try to imagine to switch sector, protagonists and point of view. Let’s take as example the chairs, the set of technical competences needed to make them and the Chair District.
The Chair District
The heart of the Chair District, also called the Chair’s Triangle, in an area extended between the municipalities of Corno di Rosazzo, Manzano and San Giovanni al Natisone. In the last years, this area has gradually grown and it now includes eleven municipalities in the district of Udine.
Here below we quote a few lines taken from the District’s official website (free interpretation):
(…) The know-how that makes the District unique does not mean uniformity, on the contrary it is the variety of expression that is extraordinary. Because various are the necessities and the ways of living a house, an office, the contract market, the relax (…)
This is exactly the answer to the question mentioned above. The uniqueness of the District lies in the diversity and variety that dwell it. A network of about 600 companies specialised in the manufacturing of wood, metals and other materials, bounded by a common goal: to create seating and furniture putting in place resources, specialised technical knowledge, different technologies and innovation as well as tradition and a great experience. This is the exact example of what we define networking.
It is the practical demonstration of how different people can work together to create something extraordinary. We see it every day here at Concepts by Braida, where networking is a must-have.
Often, we talk about the Chair District as a strength just a few miles away. In fact, the wide network of suppliers and specialised production partners located here, enables us to realise even the most elaborate projects, ensuring the highest quality and competence in each manufacturing process. Many different specialties for a unique project.
Another example of the importance of networking is the cooperation with Animaimpresa and OSA Community.
With Animaimpresa we have in common the value for sustainability. We thing that meeting and exchanging experiences and knowledge with similar companies can be a precious occasion for learning, growing, innovating and renewing ourselves.
Being part of OSA Community represents, instead, a beautiful opportunity for us to share experience and common values within an association of entrepreneurs from all over Italy. It is like a virtuous circle, where we share with other entrepreneurs our best practices and, on the other hand, we learn from them. OSA is a place where entrepreneurs grow together by learning from each other.
The networking recipe according to Concepts by Braida

The best way to let you understand the networking recipe is a culinary example of how various ingredients incorporate each other, following different procedures and techniques, sometimes even combining contrasting flavours.
Let’s think at the combination of sweet and sour, two apparently different tastes that harmoniously integrated create culinary masterpieces that will delight your palate. The “cjarsons”, a typical dish of the Friulian cuisine (in particular of the alpine region of Carnia) and carachterised by a contrast of flavours, is the perfect example.

The same happens with chairs and furniture. Lately, you can often see rooms enhanced by elements with contrasting colours which make the spaces unique. Or else, in the photo on the left, have a look at the green border of our Good armchair designed by the architect Simone Micheli. Rather than providing an even colour to hide the stitching between the chair’s back and seat, we chose to highlight the detail, making the chair even more unique.
And that is where we reconnect to the previous subject: diversity as an added value. No matter if it is in the everyday life or the working life. The value of diversity is what makes us grow, transform and improve.
It leads us to reflect and ask questions, to change our point of view, to listen, but more importantly to learn and to teach. To learn from each other, sharing at the same time our own knowledge and know-how for a common purpose.
Networking as a means to build synergies by producing a concrete change towards a more sustainable and shared future. This is the networking recipe according to Concepts by Braida.
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