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Braida Smart Seating Matters

Let’s change our focus: the customer at the centre? No, thank you. From Concepts by Braida’s FUTURE protocol


Which is the first thing that comes to our mind when we talk about focus?

Perhaps the verb to focus, which properly means focusing or defining something precisely. Or do we maybe perceive focus as an important goal that we have set ourselves? Or as a topic of particular importance on which we want to focus our attention? In short, this term contains a myriad of nuances and we want to focus on one in particular.

Focus for perspective

Here at Concepts by Braida, the focus becomes a perspective. It represents the lens through which we look at and observe every aspect of our work. Who we are, what we do and how we do it are just some of the aspects we will talk about in this article. We will explore three ways: the focus on values, the customer focus and the product focus.

The focus on values

The focus on values ​​is part of our identity, which is made of values, knowledge and people, a place where everyone finds his own space. Shared experiences, dialogue and social commitment are just some of the values ​​that move and unite us.

In 2020 we became a Benefit Company, the first one in the furniture production sector in Italy. In our corporate object, we integrate the aims of having a positive impact on society, producing a common benefit and acting responsibly towards the territory and people.

We believe that a company must be a resource and a treasure for the context it represents, not just for those who own it or for those who work in it. Responsibility, sustainability and transparency towards people, communities, territories and the environment, cultural and social assets and activities, organisations and associations represent, therefore, our daily commitment.

Customer focus

Customer focus represents our way of looking at the customer. We often read or hear that the “customer is at the centre of everything”. For us it is not like that at all. We don’t want him to be at the centre, we want him to be at our side.

In fact, for us it is of primary importance to create and build together. As consultants specialised in the seating sector, our goal is to make the client’s wishes come true. Searching for the best solution by integrating feasibility and fidelity to the original requests, managing expectations and objections in the best possible way.

Sometimes, in order to do this, it is necessary to make some compromises. Our task, as specialists in the sector, is also to bring to light any fragility or inconsistencies regarding a given project.

Conceiving the customer as a close collaborator rather than a simple client encourages constant exchange and interaction. Our wish? Reaching the customer’s satisfaction while building a relationship of mutual trust and respect by collaborating together.

Product focus

The focus on the product refers to our specialty: the chairs. We are specialised in the custom production, that is to say in the customisation of our seats. We support architects, interior designers and general contractors in order to make their projects unique.

How? By accompanying them from the conception and design phase to the creation phase. We’ve often mentioned the concept of conscious design in previous articles, and that’s exactly where we aim to arrive.

The three “Cs” model  (Care, Competence, Consciousness) represents our way of approaching any project and also our product focus. For us, the design phase is the cornerstone around which the creation of a chair revolves, whether it is a contract chair or a catalogue chair.

F for Focus, Concepts by Braida’s lens

To conclude, speaking of focus as a perspective, we have seen how this refers to a larger container in which multiple elements are enclosed.

Focus is not just the act of focusing and concentrating our attention on something, but it represents the beginning of an entire process that incorporates identity, exchange and conscious planning.

The focus on values, the customer focus and the product focus are three different perspectives through which we can look, but they operate on different planes that cut across each other. Seen from above they represent a single entity: the Concepts by Braida F-lens.

Do you want to be part of our focus too? Contact us to find out more.

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